Cell Phone Safety BY Eric Braverman MD

Studies have indicated that cell phone use could alter brain activity due to the emission of electromagnetic radiation. Today's cell and smartphones emit more radiation than ever before as they transmit complex data. It's recommended that we keep cell phones at a distance by putting them on speaker mode or using a wired headset whenever possible. The next-best option is a wireless Bluetooth headset or earpiece, which emits radiation but at a far lower level. Just holding your phone slightly away from your ear can make a big difference; the intensity of radiation diminishes sharply with distance. This is why I think texting is better than talking on a phone, because you have to hold the phone completely away from your brain. Keep in mind that cell phones emit the most radiation when they initially establish contact with the cell towers. To reduce exposure, wait a few seconds until after your call has been connected to put it next to your ear. Also, your cell...