Balanced Brain Chemistry By Dr Eric Braverman MD

Balanced Brain Chemistry By Dr Eric Braverman MD

Even when we're young, very few people are extremely high in only one brain chemical, or only low in another. Most of us are a combination of highs and lows. In fact, brain chemicals are synergistically related to each other: When one is high, the other is low. Dopamine and Acetylcholine are the brain's "on" switches, providing you with lots of energy. GABA and Serotonin are the "off" switches - they help calm the body.

When your brain is balanced, you are creating the exact right amount of each chemical, and you'll feel energetic, creative, and calm, and will have the ability to reset your brain with restful sleep at night. But as we get older, the structure of the neuronal highway gets worn down and becomes less efficient as both a chemical producer and transmitter. That's when you start to lose the speed of Acetylcholine or the energy of Dopamine. Without these, you'll feel the low-Serotonin blues, which lead to higher anxiety as GABA becomes imbalanced, which forces a low-Serotonin inability to sleep.

All these symptoms can contribute to your feeling older than your actual age, because they are literally aging your brain. This is why a youthful brain is perhaps the most crucial challenge of aging, and why you must keep your brain as young as possible throughout your life. We at PATH Medical can help you balance your brain for a Younger You.

Author Bio:

Eric Braverman MD is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University and NYU Medical School, did brain research at Harvard Medical School, and trained at an affiliate of Yale Medical School. Dr. Braverman is acknowledged worldwide as an expert in brain-based diagnosis and treatment, and he lectures to and trains doctors in anti-aging medicine.


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