
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Benefits of Tea By Eric Braverman MD

I like to think of tea as the Tree of Life that saves your health. It's a much healthier option than coffee, because it is also high in nutrients and antioxidants, yet does not contain a single calorie. Make an effort to drink SEVEN 6-ounce servings of tea per day - hot or cold. The health benefits of drinking tea add up fast. Not only does it get you in the habit of drinking more beverages, you are simultaneously flushing out of your system the toxic foods you've been eating. The nutrients in tea speed up your metabolism. By itself, tea has no calories and can stimulate digestion, cleanse the body, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and give you lots of energy. These are all necessary for losing weight and reversing the aging of every part of your body. A cup of hot tea is also the perfect antidote for calming an anxious mind. Both black and white tea are derived from the same green tea, but each has a different taste and appearance. White tea is growing in...

The Trouble With Dieting - Dr. Braverman

To my mind, diets that do not address brain chemistry fail for two reasons, which are: First, when you restrict certain macronutrients (like carbs or fat), your brain isn't getting all the nutrients it needs, so the body sends out a hunger signal that results in overeating. Instead, my key to weight management is not found in counting carbohydrates, fat grams, or calories; but, instead, in balancing brain chemistry through nutrition - something anyone can do easily and effectively. It is an eating plan you can follow for life.   Second, when we diet, we often deprive ourselves of vital nutrients, so our mental state becomes taxed and we make bad food choices. We are too fatigued, so we eat to boost our energy. We are depressed, so we eat excessively to force sleep. These mental states are aging you far beyond your chronological age. The good news is that by following a diet that enhances brain chemistry, each of these mental states can be completely reversed naturally. That...

Eric Braverman MD 77 WABC

Eric Braverman MD 77 WABC, Radio Braverman, Most people have Leptin resistance. Too much fat, flabby bodies, double chins, tired eyes, slumped shoulders, and worn out. Sugar is generally the worst poison out there. Meet and book appointment with Dr. Braverman today!

Reverse Aging of the Entire Brain and Body - Eric Braverman MD


Dopamine and Cortisol

  THE CORTISOL EQUATION: LOW DOPAMINE = BIG BELLY FAT = A HEAVY BURDEN TO CARRY FOR ​BOTH BRAIN AND BODY When you have a dopamine deficiency, the body naturally increases the production of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the backup energy hormone; it provides us with additional power so the brain and body can continue to function without the right levels of dopamine. Cortisol is also released when you are under stress, whether or not your dopamine is low. But, when you are stressed, you naturally burn more dopamine, which is why the cortisol is released. While cortisol can be helpful, I call it the obesity hormone. Even though it effectively keeps your brain running, it does not improve your dopamine levels. It actually forces your metabolism to slow down, because when brain energy falters (low dopamine), the body is forced to send up to the brain its reserve units to pick up the slack, in the form of steroid hormones (cortisol) from the adrenal glands. The cortisol in...

The Addiction/Dopamine Connection - By Dr. Braverman

All of us are vulnerable to the ADDICTION cycle when we experience a deficiency in our brain chemical, Dopamine. Disturbances in the dopamine "reward system" are associated with addictive behaviors. Anything you enjoy doing but can't seem to rein in can cause a release of dopamine. When this happens, you will initially feel that surge of excitement, or "rush." This is true whether the addiction is to drugs, alcohol, or shopping. But if you're already low in dopamine and you abuse drugs or alcohol, you'll feel less and less satisfied with each exposure. Unfortunately, now that you've experienced a good rush, you'll keep craving the experience again. So not only do you become addicted to the substance or experience, but you become addicted to dopamine, even as your brain produces less and less. Because addiction is almost always a self-medication model, it's exactly how the addiction cycle begins.   The catch is that the brain...

Expand Your Brain By Eric Braverman MD

There are benefits to trying something new every day. The world is full of endless possibilities, and just by exploring them, you'll increase your brain functioning. By trying a new exercise routine, activity, game, task, book, food, or even television show, you are expanding your brain to create new neuronal connections. You don't have to master an activity, or even like it, for it to change your brain. The point is to get out of your comfort zone for as little as 15 minutes to see what sparks your interest. Find ways that you can expand your experience. For example, if you love to take walks, choose a different route than usual. Even small changes count. IT'S YOUR MOVE! Author Bio: Eric Braverman MD  is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University and NYU Medical School, did brain research at Harvard Medical School, and trained at an affiliate of Yale Medical School.  Dr. Braverman  is acknowledged worldwide as an expert in brain...

Eric Braverman MD
